Sep 2018

02-단위의 과학

2 단위의 과학

Screenshot 2017-03-14 10.59.05
Why the metric system matters?

For the majority of recorded human history, units like the weight of a grain or the length of a hand weren’t exact and varied from place to place. Now, consistent measurements are such an integral part of our daily lives that it’s hard to appreciate what a major accomplishment for humanity they’ve been.
— Matt Anticole [TED-Ed]

강의록: 02-

Homework Assignment : 2. 단위의 과학 - 미리 공부하기(제출기한: 9월19일(수) 강의시간 전까지)

  • 교재호기심의 과학’: 단위의 과학, pp 47-60(" ")과 관련 자료를 찾아서 공부하고, 아래 "Suggested Questions" 참고하여 자기만의 질문을 만들어 "Comments (댓글)" 링크에 올려주기 바랍니다.

Useful Links and Further Reading:


01-크기의 과학

1 크기의 과학

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We can understand certain phenomena without actually doing the detailed calculations needed for a complete solution. Galileo Galilei first pointed out that similar objects can be related by scaling laws. These laws explain why an elephant cannot look like an enlarged mouse, why a giant human necessarily has certain problems, and why there are ultimate limits to the sizes of animals, plants and structures. This simple idea is called dimensional analysis, one of the physicist’s favorite trick. In this chapter, we will explore its stories and principles behind it.

강의록: 01-크기의 과학

Homework Assignment : (제출기한: 9월11일(화))

  • 교재호기심의 과학’: 크기의 과학, pp 13-44 ("초소형 인간, 있을 수 있나?", "북극의 빙산은 왜 천천히 녹을까?")를 읽고, "Suggested Questions" "Comments ()" .

Useful Links and Further Reading:

Suggested Questions

  1. 가장 효율적인개미의 모습은? 반대로 고래가 개미만하게 작아진다면 어떤 모습으로 변해야 생존할 있을까?
  2. 사람이 속의적혈구크기로 작아진다면 어떤 모양으로 변해야 할까?
  3. 자전거를적혈구크기로 작게 만든다면 어떻게 만들어야 할까?
  4. Suppose that muscular forces scale as the cross-sectional area of the muscles involved. Can we claim that the height of the jump is independent of the animal’s size? In other words, Can a flea can jump as high as a man or vice versa?
  5. The leg bones of one animal are twice as strong as those of another closely related animal of similar shape. (a) What would you expect to be the ratio of these animals’ heights? (b) What would you expect to be the ratio of their weights?


00-미시거시 강의개요

미시세계와 거시세계 — (2018학년도 2학기)

  • 과목 번호: 046.005 (001)
  • 과목명 및 학점: 미시세계와 거시세계, 3학점
  • 담당 교수: 유재준 (56–508, 02-880–8934,
  • 과목 홈페이지:–18/
  • 담당 조교: (TBA)
  • 강의실 및 강의시간: 22동 412호, 수 오후 2:00 - 3:15

Homework Assignment : (제출기한: 9월5일(수) 강의시간 전까지)

  • 95() 래 "Comments ()" .

◦ Science is a dialogue between nature and mind. The way of science is to connect experience and ideas.

All good science is based on observable evidence. Science is always skeptical, always asking, ‘What is the evidence?’, ‘How do we know?’

◦ 미시세계와 거시세계: 강의주제
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강의 설계
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능동학습의 순환구조 만들기
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