
05-전자기력의 과학

5. 전자기력의 과학

What is the electromagnetic force?

“On the face of it both electricity and magnetism are remarkably similar to gravity. Just as two masses are attracted to each other by an inverse square force, the force between two charged objects, or two poles of a magnet are also inverse square. The difference is that gravity is always attractive, whereas electricity and magnetism can be either attractive or repulsive. For example, two positive charges will push away from each other, while a positive and negative charge will pull toward each other. As with gravity, electricity and magnetism raised the question of action-at-a-distance. How does one charge “know” to be pushed or pulled by the other charge? How do they interact across the empty space between them? The answer to that question came from James Clerk Maxwell.”
-- by Brian Koberlein,

Homework Assignment : 5. 전자기력의 과학 - 미리 공부하기 (제출기한: 10월21일(일))

  • 교재호기심의 과학’: 의 과학, pp 141-172(" ?", " ?")과 관련 자료를 찾아서 공부하고, 아래 "Suggested Questions" 참고하여 자기만의 질문을 만들어 "Comments (댓글)" 링크에 올려주기 바랍니다.
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