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Lists and Indenting #

You can create bulleted and numbered lists in a quite natural way. All you do is inserting the line containing the list item. To get bulleted items, start the item with an asterisk "*"; to get numbered items, start it with a number template "1.", "a.", "A.", "i." or "I.". Anything else will just indent the line. To start a numbered list with a certain initial value, append "#value" to the number template.

To nest lists of different levels, you use different depths of indenting. All items on the same indent level belong to the same (sub-)list. That also means that you cannot change the style of a list after you started it.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

Example #

If you indent text
  like this, then it is indented in the output
    you can have multiple levels of indent

And if you put asterisks at the start of the line
  * you get a 
  * bulleted
  * list
    * which can also be indented
      * to several levels

A numbered list, mixed with bullets:
  1. one
  1. two
    1. one
      * bullet 1
      * bullet 2
    1. two
  1. three
    * bullet
      1. one

Variations of numbered lists:
  * Lowercase roman
    i. one
    i. two
  * Uppercase roman (with start offset 42)
    I.#42 forty-two
    I. forty-three
  * Lowercase alpha
    a. one
    a. two
  * Uppercase alpha
    A. one
    A. two

Display #

If you indent text
like this, then it is indented in the output
you can have multiple levels of indent

And if you put asterisks at the start of the line
  • you get a
  • bulleted
  • list
    • which can also be indented
      • to several levels

A numbered list, mixed with bullets:
  1. one
  2. two
    1. one
      • bullet 1
      • bullet 2
    2. two
  3. three
    • bullet
      1. one

Variations of numbered lists:
  • Lowercase roman
    1. one
    2. two
  • Uppercase roman (with start offset 42)
    1. forty-two
    2. forty-three
  • Lowercase alpha
    1. one
    2. two
  • Uppercase alpha
    1. one
    2. two

Condensed Matter Theory Group in Seoul National University