link_tag("FrontPage","",$this->icon[home],"")?> link_tag("UserPreferences","",$this->icon[login],"")?> link_tag("Members","",$this->icon[member],"")?> link_tag("Researches","",$this->icon[researches],"")?> link_tag("Alumni","",$this->icon[alumni],"")?> link_tag("Board","",$this->icon[board],"")?> link_tag("Links","",$this->icon[links],"")?> link_tag("TitleIndex","",$this->icon[titleindex],"")?> link_tag("RecentChanges","",$this->icon[recentchanges],"")?>
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Page Editing #

Names of pages have to ?LookLikeThis. It's called a WikiName. If you write a word that ?LookLikeThis, it will be automatically turned into a link. More details about this you find on ?HelpForBeginners.

The following pages describe the elements (wiki markup) you can use to get special formatting effects:
To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "EditText" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.

Condensed Matter Theory Group in Seoul National University