The tetrahedron method is used if
- the input data file has been produced by pw.x using the option
occupations='tetrahedra', AND
- a value for degauss is not given as input to namelist &inputpp
Gaussian broadening is used in all other cases:
- if degauss is set to some value in namelist &inputpp, that value
(and the optional value for ngauss) is used
- if degauss is NOT set to any value in namelist &inputpp, the
value of degauss and of ngauss are read from the input data
file (they will be the same used in the pw.x calculations)
- if degauss is NOT set to any value in namelist &inputpp, AND
there is no value of degauss and of ngauss in the input data
file, degauss=DeltaE (in Ry) and ngauss=0 will be used