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1. Gnuplot FAQ
2. Special Characters and Formatting in LaTeX
3. Fortran Course Notes
4. Shortkey in MS Word and Excel
5. Adding line numbers in Latex
6. Some tips in gnuplot

1. Gnuplot FAQ

Introduction to gnuplot

General Information

About Legend

About Tics

About Label

About 2-Dimensional Plot

About 3-dimensional Plot

About Polar Coordinate

About Parametric Functions

Plotting Numerical Data in a Data File

Date/Time Data

After Plotting

Miscellaneous Stuff

Special Functions

2. Special Characters and Formatting in LaTeX

This file contains information on how to use the following LaTeX special characters and formatting features in your submission:

For additional symbols please refer to GIF images of symbols and codes. You may wish to print that file for reference while you compose your document.

LaTeX Commands

Punctuation Marks

The following punctuation marks are also used as special characters in the LaTeX system; therefore you must put a backslash (\) in front of any that are used in your text, like so:

       \&     \$     \%     \#     \_    \{     \} 

Special Characters in Math Mode

You may include special characters such as Greek letters, mathematical and planetary symbols, superscripts or subscripts in your text by using LaTeX math mode. Type a dollar sign, the appropriate symbol code, and a second dollar sign.

                  $\AA$     produces  Å (Angstrom)
                  45$^{\circ}$  produces  45°

Do not forget to include BOTH dollar signs

Lower-Case Greek Letters

Note that omicron is simply keyed as lower-case (o) without the backslash (\).

     \alpha    \eta      \nu       \tau   
         \beta     \theta    \xi       \upsilon
         \gamma    \iota      o        \phi   
         \delta    \kappa    \pi       \chi   
         \epsilon  \lambda   \rho      \psi   
         \zeta     \mu       \sigma    \omega   
    Example: $\lambda$

Upper-Case Greek Letters

     \Gamma    \Lambda   \Sigma    \Psi   
         \Delta    \Xi       \Upsilon  \Omega   
         \Theta    \Pi       \Phi 
    Example: $\Gamma$

Mathematical Symbols

  Description                 Command  
      plus/minus sign	(±)		\pm  
      times symbol		(×)		\times
      division symbol	(÷)		\div
      tilde sign		(~)		\sim 
      Angstrom		(Å)		\AA
      angstrom		(å)		\aa
      degree		(°)		$^{\circ}$
      permil		(‰)		\permil
      less than       	(<)		<   Note: no backslash needed
      greater than    	(>)		>
      vertical bar    	(|)		|
             $\sim$  produces  ~
             $<$     produces  <
             $|$     produces  |

Planetary Symbols

Sun and Earth symbols are indicated by



                  $M_{\sun}$ will indicate solar mass

Superscripts and Subscripts

To create a superscript, type a dollar sign, a caret (^), an open curly brace ({), the character(s) you want superscripted, a close curly brace (}), and another dollar sign:

              e = mc$^{2}$     $\pi r^{2}$

To create a subscript, type a dollar sign, an underscore, an open curly brace, the character(s) you want subscripted, a close curly brace, and another dollar sign:

              H$_{2}$O         HNO$_{3}$

Accents, Breaks, Type Style, and Punctuation Marks


To create an accented character, type a backslash (\), the appropriate accent code, an open curly brace ({), the character, and a close curly brace (}). 'x' represents the letter to which the accent will apply.

   Description                 Command       Example
       Backwards (grave) accent    \`{x}         tout \`{a} vous = tout à vous
       Forward (acute) accent      \'{x}         Gonzal\'{e}z = Gonzaléz
       Caret symbol                \^{x}         \`{a} bient\^{o} = à bientô
       Dieresis (umlaut)           \"{x}         f\"{u}r = für
       Tilde                       \~{x}         se\~{n}or = señor

Word, Line, and Paragraph Breaks

LaTeX ignores extra spacing between words.

Line breaks set by your word processor (such as soft or hard returns) will not affect the look of the abstract. If you need to create a line break, use a double backslash (\\). Note that a double backslash is not the same as a double forward slash (//), which doesn't indicate anything.

Use 2 hard returns to separate paragraphs.

Italic and Boldface Text

Italic text may be created by typing {\it (including the empty space), then the text you want italicized, then a close curly brace (}). Use italics only for citations and species names; do not use it to emphasize.

    {\it this text will be italic} but the rest of the text is normal type
    this text will be italic but the rest of the text is normal type

Boldface text (for vectors) may be created by typing {\bf (including the empty space), then the text you want boldface, then a close curly brace (}).

    {\bf this text will be boldface} but the rest of the text is normal type
    this text will be boldface but the rest of the text is normal type

3. Fortran Course Notes

   You can read Fortran 90 Course Notes of The University of Liverpool here: link. This is an excellent free text for someone who want to learn to program in Fortran.
   You can download the ps version or read online this Course Notes from the above website. Hope that it could be useful for you ^-^.

4. Shortkey in MS Word and Excel


1. Keys for working with documents
Create a new document         CTRL+N
Open a document         CTRL+O
Close a document         CTRL+W, CTRL + F4
Split a document         ALT+CTRL+S
Save a document         CTRL+S
Quit Word         ALT+F4, CTRL+W
Find text, formatting, and special items         CTRL+F
Repeat find         ALT+CTRL+Y
Replace text, specific formatting, and special items         CTRL+H
Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location         CTRL+G
Go back to a page, bookmark, footnote, table,comment, graphic, or other location         ALT+CTRL+Z
Browse a document         ALT+CTRL+HOME
Cancel an action         ESC
Undo an action         CTRL+Z
Redo or repeat an action         CTRL+Y
Switch to page layout view         ALT+CTRL+P
Switch to outline view         ALT+CTRL+O
Switch to normal view         ALT+CTRL+N
Move between a master document and its subdocuments         CTRL+\

2. Keys for formatting characters and paragraphs
2.1. Format characters
Change the font         CTRL+SHIFT+F
Change the font size         CTRL+SHIFT+P
Increase the font size         CTRL+SHIFT+>
Decrease the font size         CTRL+SHIFT+<
Increase the font size by 1 point         CTRL+]
Decrease the font size by 1 point         CTRL+[
Change the formatting of characters         CTRL+D
Change the case of letters         SHIFT+F3
Format letters as all capitals         CTRL+SHIFT+A
Apply bold formatting         CTRL+B
Apply an underline         CTRL+U
Underline words but not spaces         CTRL+SHIFT+W
Double-underline text         CTRL+SHIFT+D
Apply hidden text formatting         CTRL+SHIFT+H
Apply italic formatting         CTRL+I
Format letters as small capitals         CTRL+SHIFT+K
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)         CTRL+EQUAL SIGN
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)         CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Remove manual character formatting         CTRL+SPACEBAR
Change the selection to Symbol font         CTRL+SHIFT+Q
Display nonprinting characters         CTRL+SHIFT+* (asterisk)
Review text formatting         SHIFT+F1
Copy formats         CTRL+SHIFT+C
Paste formats         CTRL+SHIFT+V

2.2. Format paragraphs
2.2.1 When setting line spacing
Single-space lines         CTRL+1
Double-space lines         CTRL+2
Set 1.5-line spacing         CTRL+5
Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph         CTRL+0 (zero)

2.2.2 When setting paragraph alignments and indents
Center a paragraph         CTRL+E
Justify a paragraph         CTRL+J
Left align a paragraph         CTRL+L
Right align a paragraph         CTRL+R
Indent a paragraph from the left         CTRL+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left         CTRL+SHIFT+M
Create a hanging indent         CTRL+T
Reduce a hanging indent         CTRL+SHIFT+T
Remove paragraph formatting        CTRL+Q

3. Keys for performing a mail merge
Preview a mail merge         ALT+SHIFT+K
Merge a document         ALT+SHcIFT+N
Print the merged document         ALT+SHIFT+M
Edit a mail-merge data document         ALT+SHIFT+E
Insert a merge field         ALT+SHIFT+F

4. Others
Update a excel linked object         ALT+SHIFT+U
Update field, link         F9
Print preview         CTRL + F2, or, CTRL + ALT + I
Create auto text         ALT + F3
Go to Style combo box         CTRL + SHIFT + S
Apply Normal style         CTRL + SHIFT + S
Go to next page         CTRL + PAGE DOWN
Go to previous page         CTRL + PAGE UP
Insert Hyperlink         CTRL + K
Spelling         F7
Enlarge document window         CTRL + F10
Reduce document window         CTRL + F5
Go to next opened document         CTRL + F6
Go to previous opened document         CTRL + SHIFT + F6


1. Edit data by using shortcut keys
Edit the active cell         F2
Cancel an entry in the cell or formula bar         ESC
Paste a name into a formula         F3
Complete a cell entry         ENTER
Enter a formula as an array formula         CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Display the Formula Palette after you type a valid function name in a formula         CTRL+A
Insert the argument names and parentheses for a function, after you type a valid function name in a formula        CTRL+SHIFT+A

2. Insert, delete, and copy a selection by using shortcut keys
Copy the selection         CTRL+C
Paste the selection         CTRL+V
Cut the selection         CTRL+X
Clear the contents of the selection         DELETE
Insert blank cells         CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Delete the selection         CTRL+-
Undo the last action         CTRL+Z

3. Enter data by using shortcut keys
Complete a cell entry         ENTER
Cancel a cell entry         ESC
Repeat the last action         F4 or CTRL+Y
Start a new line in the same cell         ALT+ENTER
Delete text to the end of the line         CTRL+DELETE
Move one character up, down, left, or right         Arrow keys
Move to the beginning of the line         HOME
Edit a cell comment         SHIFT+F2
Create names from row and column labels         CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Fill down         CTRL+D
Fill to the right         CTRL+R
Fill the selected cell range with the current entry         CTRL+ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move down in the selection        ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection         SHIFT+ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection         TAB
Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection         SHIFT+TAB

4. Work in cells or the formula bar by using shortcut keys
Start a formula         = (EQUAL SIGN)
Cancel an entry in the cell or formula bar         ESC
Edit the active cell         F2
Paste a name into a formula        F3
Define a name         CTRL+F3
Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks        F9
Calculate the active worksheet         SHIFT+F9
Insert the AutoSum formula         ALT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Enter the date         CTRL+; (SEMICOLON)
Enter the time         CTRL+SHIFT+: (COLON)
Insert a hyperlink         CTRL+K
Complete a cell entry         ENTER
Copy the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar         CTRL+SHIFT+"
Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas         CTRL+`
Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar         CTRL+'
Enter a formula as an array formula         CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Display the Formula Palette after you type a valid function name in a formula         CTRL+A
Insert the argument names and parentheses for a function, after you type a valid function name in a formula        CTRL+SHIFT+A
Display the AutoComplete list         ALT+DOWN ARROW

5. Format data by using shortcut keys
Display the Style command (Format menu)         ALT+' (APOSTROPHE)
Display the Cells command (Format menu)         CTRL+1
Apply the General number format         CTRL+SHIFT+~
Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses)         CTRL+SHIFT+$
Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places         CTRL+SHIFT+%
Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places         CTRL+SHIFT+^
Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year         CTRL+SHIFT+#
Apply the Time format with the hour and minute,and indicate A.M. or P.M.         CTRL+SHIFT+@
Apply the Number format with two decimal places 1000 separator, and - for negative values         CTRL+SHIFT+!
Apply the outline border         CTRL+SHIFT+&
Remove all borders CTRL+SHIFT+_
Apply or remove bold formatting        CTRL+B
Apply or remove italic formatting         CTRL+I
Apply or remove an underline         CTRL+U
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting         CTRL+5
Hide rows         CTRL+9
Unhide rows         CTRL+SHIFT+(
Hide columns         CTRL+0 (ZERO)
Unhide columns         CTRL+SHIFT+)

6. Move and scroll on a worksheet or workbook by using shortcut keys
Move one cell in a given direction         Arrow key
Move to the edge of the current data region         CTRL+ arrow key

5. Adding line numbers in Latex

1. Download the lineno package (http://www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/contrib/lineno.zip).

2. Unpack it ('unzip lineno.zip') and from the subdirectory lineno/ copy file 'lineno.sty' into the directory with your LaTeX main document

3. In the LaTeX preamble include the following line before the \documentclass{...} command.


(Note: this rather unusual way of including a package is necessary due to incompatibilities between the lineno package and revtex. If you are not using revtex to prepare your document you can also use the standard way: \usepackage{lineno})

4. Line numbers can be activated by adding the following line after \begin{document}

% Running line numbers:

% Same, but that reset on every page:

% Number only every 5:th line:

6. Some tips in gnuplot

1. Angstrom symbol: set encoding iso then code for angstrom symbol is \305.
         set encoding iso
         set x label "diameter (\305)"


email: nmcuongsphn@yahoo.com


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