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A WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative hypertext environment, with an emphasis on easy access to and modification of information. This wiki is also part of the InterWiki space.
This wiki runs on the MoniWiki. The MoniWiki is a PHP based WikiEngine. WikiFormattingRules are imported and inspired by the MoinMoin(http://moin.sourceforge.net/).
You are encouraged to edit the WikiSandBox whichever way you like.
You can edit any page by pressing the link at the bottom of the page. Capitalized words joined together form a WikiName, which hyperlinks to another wiki page. The 'highlighted title' searches for all pages that link to the current page. Pages which do not yet exist are linked with a question mark: just follow the link and you can make a new wiki page.
To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about the WikiNature. Also, consult the WikiWikiWebFaq.
Interesting starting points: