Choong Hyun Kim

KIAS Assistant Professor
School of Computational Science
Korea Institue for Advanced Science, Seoul, Korea

About Choong Hyun Kim (김충현)


  • Ph.D. in physics, Seoul National University (Feb. 2012)
  • M.S. in physics, Seoul National University (Feb. 2007)
  • B.S. in physics, Sogang University (Feb. 2005)

Professional experiences

  • KIAS Assistant Professor, Korea Institute for Advanced Science (Jan. 2024 - present)
  • Team leader, IBS-Center for Correlated Electron Systems (Aug. 2015-Dec. 2023)
  • Postdoctoral associate, Cornell University (Jul. 2012-Jul. 2015)
  • Postdoctoral associate, Seoul National University (Mar. 2012-Jun. 2012)

Research interests

  • Electronic structure and magnetism of transition metal oxides (TMO).
    • Spin-orbit entangled electronic states in 5d TMO.
    • Electronic structures of TMO superlattice and thin films.
    • Physical properties with strong spin-orbital-lattice coupling.
    • Defect-induced electronic structures in TMO.
    • First-principles effective Hamiltonian modeling.
  • Interplay between correlations and spin-orbit coupling.
    • Topological insulators/semimetals in correlated systems.
    • Strong correlations in spin-orbital-entangled systems.
  • Development of calculation methods for strongly correlated materials.
    • Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)/ LDA+DMFT
    • LDA+U
    • LDA+Slave Boson (Gutzwiller)


Oct 4, 2019 Our paper, Theoretical evidence of spin-orbital-entangled Jeff = 1/2 state in the 3d transition metal oxide CuAl2O4, is published in PRB Rapid Comm.

Aug 27, 2019 CHK gives an invited talk in Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems 2019 (IBS-PCS, Daejeon, Korea).
Jun 26, 2019 CHK gives an invited talk in Oxide Superspin Workshop 2019 (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea).
Feb 15, 2019 CHK gives an invited talk in Quantum Materials Symposium 2019 (Yongpyeong resort, Yongpyeong, Korea).
Oct 29, 2018 CHK gives an invited talk in 21th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations which will be held in KAIST.
Sep 23, 2018 New homepage.